This is an updated review after playing for two months. If you want to improve you game, Cribbage Craze is the best Cribbage app available for several reasons, but primarily for the historical statistics kept for all games.
The AI opponent is very strong and I sympathize with a previous reviewers complaint that the AI is cheating, but all you need to do is look at the history and know how to interpret the statistics. Cribbage card game statistics are widely studied and fascinating to many. If you use them to measure your game to any of your opponents (including the AI), you can see where the real issue lies. The stats are very accessible and easy to interpret.
After the first 25 games, my win percentage was 40%. The stats revealed the difference between my play and the AI was in pegging and the crib scores, not in the hand , or the cut. I started to pay more attention to discarding, pegging, and board position.
After 52 games, my stats vs. Brainys (computer):
Me: Avg Hand = 7.49, Avg Crib = 4.06, Avg Peg = 2.78, Avg Cut = 3.51
Brainy: Avg Hand = 7.40, Avg Crib = 4.19, Avg Peg = 2.81, Avg Cut = 3.54
How do these stats compare to the known stats measured by some of the best players real card play over thousands of hands?
Experts: Avg Hand = 8.0, Avg Peg = 2.80, Avg Crib = 4.8
As you can see, Brainys stats are not out of line and are within the statistical possibilities of the game for a good player. The computer is an especially good Pegger. My win percentage has since climbed from 40 to 46 percent and the Skunks are 3 to 2.
If you dont trust the statistics provided, you can calculate them yourself because CC provides detailed history including every card played of every hand in every game. There are other Cribbage games that provide stats, and a few that provide computer opponent stats, but not in this compact and elegant format and with this strong of an AI opponent. If you want to improve your game and are constantly thinking that the computer is playing with an unfair advantage, this is the app to get.
You can also flip the peg board over during play and view the game in progress stats with the deal # which really helps with locating board positional holes and adjusting strategy.
edmoonus about Cribbage Craze